

Homestay Accommodation

We offer the option of living with a local family for making the most of the stay in Boston. Enriching the understanding of the culture and practicing the language. Every Homestay is carefully chosen by our experienced staff and then regularly visited.

Half Board

Half Board


Other Options



OHC recommends Casita to provide a variety of residential accommodation options (OHC is not responsible for the bookings). Find the best selection of student accommodation near OHC Boston. Casita helps you choose from student housing across a wide selection of rooms, amenities and rates:


"I love OHC Boston because it’s a private school and a comfortable place. I meet new friends all the time. I didn’t study English in Colombia because it’s very different. But in OHC Boston I’m learning a lot because in class we have a lot of activities and we do field trips too. For example, we went to the Boston Globe, Museum of Science, Faneuil Hall Marketplace. After class I can meet with my friends and practice English.

I like my school because it’s in the very center, in a beautiful place near to restaurants, stores and subway station. People here are very friendly. For me it’s necessary to study English in other country because you can practice English and learn more. OHC Boston is the best option because it is very comfortable, there is WI-FI, computers and there is space for lunch where you can take a break and study after class.

I love Boston and OHC Boston is the best choice for learning English."

Estefania from Medellin, Colombia