New York


Homestay Accommodation

Make the most of your stay in New York with carefully selected Homestay accommodation. You will feel at home and be able to practise your English in friendly surroundings. You will have your own room, and you can choose between 2 meal options: self-catering (you cook for yourself), breakfast only, or breakfast and dinner. Homestays in Manhattan are high in demand and we recommend you book them as early as possible. Shared rooms are only available if you are coming with another person at the same time and leaving at the same time, these are only available outside of Manhattan or above 110th Street.

You share a home with your host but have your own private room and a choice of meal options. Our homestay hosts are carefully chosen by our Student Services Team for their friendliness and experience in looking after international students. All homestay accommodation is within easy travelling distance of the school.


Central Manhattan (Below 110th Street)

Central Manhattan (Below 110th Street)

Outside Central Manhattan

Outside Central Manhattan

Other Options



OHC recommends Casita to provide a variety of residential accommodation options (OHC is not responsible for the bookings). Find the best selection of student accommodation near OHC New York. Casita helps you choose from student housing across a wide selection of rooms, amenities and rates: 


I’m very happy to be studying at this school. Mainly, I have very good teachers and I’m learning a lot. I like the methods, because the teachers focused in several aspects, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Everybody is friendly and concerned about the progress of the each of the students.I appreciate the knowledge of the teachers a lot.

Antonio from Mexico